Using a joystick with redneck rampage
Using a joystick with redneck rampage

using a joystick with redneck rampage

The battlegrounds include castle ruins, observatories, and abandoned train stations, and look just as good as the environments in Unreal or Half-Life. There's no nonsense involving pop-in or fogging ¿ the entire arena is visible at once. The graphics look as top-notch as you'd expect, running at high-res at 60fps. You have a second or two of invincibility when you respawn, meaning some punk with a flamethrower can't toast you the second you reappear. You score a point for each kill, and have unlimited lives ¿ the only thing to worry about is the clock that keeps ticking down (most deathmatch rounds are set to two minutes and thirty seconds). This makes multiplayer games insanely fast, and delightfully competitive.

using a joystick with redneck rampage

And unlike Quake, you don't start off with a sucky weapon and have to scour the arena for more powerful methods of destruction ¿ you've got goodies like rocket launchers and flamethrowers from the get-go, compadre! Powerups are everywhere, with health kits, weapon enhancements, and various doo-dads littered around each arena. The levels are claustrophobic enough to discourage players from "camping," and keep your opponent in view most of the time. The rules are simple: kill anyone who's not you. The game is played from either a third-person or first-person perspective (which you can toggle with the start button), through close-quarters arenas designed for 2 to 4 players.

using a joystick with redneck rampage

If you're playing solo, you can select a training mission, or if a buddy is playing via a linked-up system, you can pick a multiplayer deathmatch arena to do battle in. Though the trackball isn't sensitive enough for my tastes, new players will have no problem getting a feel for it.Īfter you pop your coins into the machine, you enter your name, and select one of four characters, each of which is balanced out with different weapons and abilities. Fortunately, Sega has given us a joystick for forward, backward, and strafing, along with a trackball for changing your viewpoint (or, as Quake players call it, +mlook).


Originally, my biggest concern about Outtrigger was the control ¿ after all, PC gamers are used to a keyboard for their left hands, and a mouse in their right. During our recent trip to Shibuya, we found a version on test at the Sega Hi-Tech Land arcade ¿ and we wasted no time in trying it out. So Sega simply started from scratch to create Outtrigger, the most evilly addicting first-person frag-fest you can get from an arcade machine. We can attribute these games' failures to the fact that they were never designed as arcade games in the first place, and the criteria for a decent quarter-muncher is much different than a PC game. Quake, SiN, and even Redneck Rampage were ported to arcade formats, and all of them did poorly. While the PC has been home to some fantastic multiplayer deathmatch games, their move into the arcade has been less than successful.

Using a joystick with redneck rampage